6 document(en) met "lack"

Bij S/M/L/XL: het interieur zonder eigenschappen als... • 1 januari 1997
Instead of concentration - simultaneous presence - in the Generic City individual moments are spaced far apart to create a trance of almost unnoticeable aesthetic experiences ( ) This pervasive lack

Et si nous arrêtions de nous contempler... • 1 januari 1998
opposed to its alleged lack of identity, there is the fact that the cool office-block setting conceals the second reality of a suburban "residential urban life" (R. Laermans). The combination...policy of reconstructing the old image of the city is not the right means of combatting this. In the specific area of culture it turns out that, despite a lack of contemporary "cultural totems

En als we nu eens niet meer... • 1 januari 1998
opposed to its alleged lack of identity, there is the fact that the cool office-block setting conceals the second reality of a suburban "residential urban life" (R. Laermans). The combination...policy of reconstructing the old image of the city is not the right means of combatting this. In the specific area of culture it turns out that, despite a lack of contemporary "cultural totems

Perspectives after P.A.R.T.S. the first generation • 1 januari 1999
So far initiatives in this direction have been tentative due a lack of financial means

Rosas celebrates its twentieth anniversary • 1 januari 2001
Indeed, the lack of concealment emphasizes the reality of the women on stage

Seething cauldron -- dance in Brussels • 1 januari 2002
question we are now faced with is this: will the rest of the theatrical establishment in Brussels jump on this bandwagon before it packs up and moves on due to lack of interest