
Résultat des ballotages du 19 juin.

Etienne Carathéodory Effendi reports about the election round in Brussels. Contrary to his expectations, the legislative elections in Brussels were a disaster for the liberals. This could be explained by the discord amongst the liberals. The ‘real’ Liberal Party in Brussels only had one Senator and one member of the House of Representatives. The others were so-called independent MPs, but Carathéodory notes that they supported the Catholic government. Consequently, Brussels was represented by conservatives. Carathéodory summarizes the general results of both election rounds: the Catholic majority had grown larger, and created an unseen proportion between the Catholics and the liberals, who used to counterbalance each other in the past. Yet, this result did not worry Carathéodory, for the Catholic government was a moderate one.


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Consulted online at Ottoman Diplomats: Letters From the Imperial Legation in Brussels (1849–1914) (2014 Edition), Centre for Political History (PoHis), University of Antwerp, <>.

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