The diplomatic documents presented in this website are preserved in the Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi (Ottoman Archives of the Prime Minister’s Office) in Istanbul. See Three major series have been used:

  1. HARICIYE NEZARETI SIYASI KıSıM (HR.SYS) (1845–1921) – 1096

    (From: Hariciye Nezareti Siyasi Kısım Evrakı Dosya Envanteri)


    1. Siyasi Durum [Political affairs]
      1. (220) 1856–1877
      2. (221) 1878–1885
      3. (222) 1886–1913
    2. Muhtelif Konular [Various issues]
      1. (223) 1867 – Luxembourg meselesi [Luxemburg affair]
      2. 1875 – Belçika Prensesi Louise ile Saksonya Dükü Prens Philippe de Cobourg’un evliliǧi [Marriage of Princess Louise of Belgium with Prince Philips]
      3. 1859–75 – Lêopold II.nin tahta çıkışı [Leopold II’s way to the throne]
      4. 1879–81 – Yeni eǧitim yasasının ilan edilmesinin peşinden Belçika ile Saint-Siège (Vatikan) arasındaki diplomatik ilişkilerin kesilmesi [Suspension of diplomatic relations between Belgium and the Holy See (Vatican) after the promulgation of the new law on education]
      5. 1887 – Meuse hattının tahkimi ve Belçika ordusunun Almaya-Fransa arasındaki çatışmada tarafsızlıǧı meselesi [Installment of army at the Meuse, the issue of Belgian neutrality and Franco-German conflict]
      6. 1891-93 – Belçika anayasasının revizyonu [Revision of Belgian constitution]
      7. 1859–96 – Kral, prens ve diǧer devlet adamlarının hastalık ve ölümleri [Illness and death of princes and other statesmen]
      8. 1891-96 – İstanbul ve çanakalle boǧazlarının savunması ve Istanbul’un tahkimi konusunda Belçikalı General Brialmont’un yaptıǧı etüdler [Defense of the Straits, General Brialmont]
      9. (224) 1881–1905 – Anarşist ve sosyalistlerin gösterileri, işçi eylemleri, grevler ve anti-rus gösteriler [Anarchist and socialist demonstrations, labor actions, and anti-Russian demonstrations]
      10. (224) 1881–1905 – Anarşist ve sosyalistlerin gösterileri, işçi eylemleri, grevler ve anti-rus gösteriler [Anarchist and socialist demonstrations, labor actions, and anti-Russian demonstrations]
      11. 1880–1911 – Belçika’nın diǧer devletlerle imzaladıǧı antlaşmalar[Belgian treaties with other states]
      12. 1911 – Belçika ile yapılan iâde-i mücrimîn antlaşması [Extradition treaties with Belgium]
      13. 1911 - Brüksel ve La Haye’de akdedilen uluslararası parlementerler konferansı [Brussels and the conclusion of the International Conference in The Hague]
      14. (225) 1860–1913 – Kral, prens ve diǧer devlet adamlarının seyahatleri [Travels of the King, princes and other statesmen]
    3. Matbuat [Press]
      1. (225) 1859–1893 – Belçika Matbuatı [Belgian press]
      2. (226) 1894–1900 – Belçika Matbuatı
      3. (227) 1900–1911 - Belçika Matbuatı
      iv. Müteferrik Evrak [Various documents]
      1. (228) 1832–1860 – Belçika ile ilgili müteferrik evrak [Miscellaneous documents related to Belgium]
      2. (229) 1870–1913 - Belçika ile ilgili müteferrik evrak

    (From: Hariciye Nezareti Evrakı Mütenevvia Kısmı Dosya Usulü Envanteri – 974)

    Part 1 Osmanlı ve yabanci temsilcilikler ile ilgili konular [Issues related to Ottoman and foreign representatives]
    • Kabul törenleri [Reception ceremonies]
      • Yemekler ve balolar-Muhtelif davetler, av partileri vesaire – 128–31 (1856–1918) [Receptions, dinners and balls –various invitations, hunting parties etc.]
    • Nişan törenleri – evlenmeler [Wedding ceremonies – marriages]
      • Osmanlı ve yabancı hükümdar ve prenslerinin nişan törenleri (Bazı haberler) – 226 (1866–1918)[Wedding ceremonies of Ottoman and foreign emperors and princes]
      • Yabancı hükümdar ve prenslerinin evlenmeleri – 226–30 (1858–1914) [Marriages of foreign emperors and princes]
    • Suikastlar [Assassinations]
      • Osmanlı padişahlarına karşi yapılan suikastlar – 232 (1855–1905) [Assassinations targeted at Ottoman emperors]
    Part 3 Nişanlar, madalyalar, rütbeler [Badges, medals, ranks/honours]
    • Nişanlar, madalyalar [Badges, medals]
      • 298 – 1855–1914: Osmanlı vatandaşları ve memurlarına verileten Belçika nişanlar [Belgian orders bestowed upon ottoman citizens and officials]
    • Muhtelif (Nişan ve madalyalarla ilgili) [Misscellaneous (Related to Orders and medals)]
      • 363 (1879–85): Brüksel Başkonsolosu Carathéodory Efendi’nin, bölgesindeki bazı şahislar ile Salib-i Ahmer vazifelilerine nişan verilmesi teklifi [Proposal of ambassador Carathéodory Effendi in Brussels of bestowing decorations upon some individuals and Salib-i Ahmer officials in his region]
    • Nizamnameler – Talimatlar (Nişan ve madalyalarla ilgili) [Regulations – instructions (related to orders and medals)]
    • Rütbe, tevcihi, tenzili ve teklifleri [Proposals for insignia, and bestowals of degrees]
    • Ünvanlar ve ünvan talepleri [Titles and title claims]
    • Hediyeler – ihsanlar [Gifts]
    Part 5 Muhtelif konular [Various issues]
    • Yabancı hükümdar, prens ve yüksek dereceli memurların seyahatleri [Journeys of foreign emperors, princes and magistrates]
      • Yabancı hükumdar, prens ve vatandaşların muhtelif seyahatleri – 493-6 (1855–1918)[Various voyages of foreign emperors, princes and citizens]
    • Hususi mektuplar (tavsiyeler, tebrikler, teşekkürler) [Private letters (recommendations, compliments and acknowledgments)]
      • 600 (1872–80) ; 601 (1881-7) - Muhtelif işlere dair hususi mektuplar[Private letters for various records-issues)
  3. HUKUK KıSMı (HR.HKK) (From: Hukuk Kısmı Dosya Usulü Envanteri – 975)

    Brüksel Sefareti [Legation in Brussels] – 65-7
    Part 2 “Belçikadakı Osmanlı şehebenderlikleri” [Ottoman Consulates in Belgium] - 246
    • Anvers (1893–1918)
    • Brüksel (1898–1913)

2. Image credits

  • Envelope header: Envelope of a dispatch by Eugène de Kerckhove, Ottoman chargé d’affaires in Brussels, to Ali Pasha, 28 January 1852.
  • Portrait 1: Aleksan Diran Bey (?–?), Ottoman chargé d’affaires, ca. 1860. (Source: Archives of the Royal Palace, Brussels.)
  • Portrait 2: Kostaki Musurus Bey (later Pasha) (1807–1885), Ottoman ambassador to London, and (only formally) minister plenipotentiary to Brussels, ca. early 1860s. (Source: Archives of the Royal Palace, Brussels.)
  • Portrait 3: Étienne [Stefanaki] Carathéodory [Karatodori] Effendi (1836-1907), Ottoman minister plenipotentiary to Brussels, 1878. (Source: Private collection.)
  • Portrait 4: Abdulhak [Abdülhak] Hamid Bey [Tarhan] (1851/2–1937), Ottoman minister plenipotentiary to Brussels, after 1908. (Source: Wiki Commons.)

3. Staff of the Ottoman Imperial Legation in Brussels (1849–1914)

The data about the staff of the Ottoman Imperial Legation is based on the Almanach Royal de Belgique, and was collected by Arne Aertbeliën. Names are rendered according to the spelling used in this almanach.

Head of Mission Counselor First secretary Second secretary Third secretary Attaché Remarks
1849 Eugène de Kerchove de Varent (chargé d'affaires) Legation resorts under Ottoman Embassy in Paris.
1853 Faustin Glavany
1855 Eugène de Kerchove de Varent (minister resident) Legation becomes autonomous.
Faustin Glavany, until 1860
1857 Aleksan Diran Bey (chargé d'affaires)
1858 P. Manasse, until 1860
1861 Legation is closed.
1862 Faustin Glavany Legation resorts under Ottoman Embassy in London.
1868 Faustin Glavany Effendi (chargé d'affaires)
1875 Etienne Carathéodory Effendi (minister plenipotentiary) Alexandre Carathéodory Effendi, until 1889 Rughdi Bey (military ataché), until 1876
Loghades Effendi (honorary attaché), until 1879
1883 Chadan Bey, until 1889
1889 Aléco Aristarchi Bey, until 1902 Remsi Bey, until 1891
Cherif Bey (military attaché), until 1892 
1892 A. Raïf Bey (military attaché), until 1898
1897 Ibrahim Edhem Bey, until 1898
1898 Mufid Bey
Tefvik Pacha (military attaché), until 1906
1901 Mihran Cavaffian Effendi (chargé d'affaires) Legation unofficially resorts under Ottoman Embassy in Paris.
1902 Mufid Bey, until 1905
1903 J. Salem Effendi, until 1908 Moukhil Bey, until 1905
1906 Tefvik Pacha (chargé d'affaires ad interim) Raghib Raïf Bey, until 1908 Abdullah Hallis Bey, until 1908 Diran Noradounghian Bey
1907 Raghib Raïf Bey (chargé d'affaires) Tefvik Pacha (military attaché), until 1908
1908 Abdul Hak Hamid Bey (minister plenipotentiary) Munir Sureya Bey, until 1912 Diran Noradounghian Bey, until 1913 Legation becomes autonomous again.
1911 Mahmoud Sabit Bey (honorary attaché), until 1914
1912 Essed Bey, until 1913
1913 Seïfeddin Bey (minister plenipotentiary), until 1914 Tigrane Tchaïane Bey, until 1914 Ismael Nazim Bey, until 1914

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Consulted online at Ottoman Diplomats: Letters From the Imperial Legation in Brussels (1849–1914) (2014 Edition), Centre for Political History (PoHis), University of Antwerp, <>.

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