
Dénouement de la Crise Ministérielle.

Glavany notes that the Belgian Official Journal published a supplement on the composition of the new Catholic government, succeeding the previous one of Baron d’Anethan. Glavany provides (biographical) information about the members of the new government, led by Barthélémy de Theux de Meylandt, who was highly respected by his political friends as well as his opponents. He kept his calm and had an incontestable authority, which led Glavany to believe that the new Prime Minister would not lead the country towards perilous adventures. In the remainder of his report, Glavany provides further information about the new Minister of Finance, Jules Malou, the new Minister for Foreign Affairs, and ministers D’Aspremont Lynden, Delcourt, De Lantsheere, and Moncheur. General Henri Guillaume (Minister of War) was the only minister remaining from the previous government. Glavany describes their strong points. To conclude, he remarks that De Theux de Meylandt might be the leader of the new government, Malou would be its soul. It was possible that the new government would not be tormented too much, although a similar opposition to the previous one could be feared.


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