6 document(en) met "to Be Seen"
Bij S/M/L/XL: het interieur zonder eigenschappen als...
• 1 januari 1997
usually seen as a loss
Rosas In The Nineties: The Gesamtwerk as...
• 1 november 1997
could never be seen as a unity...seen an ever increasing structural complexity in the work of Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker, and a great expansion of the number of 'words' in her dance language...Seen in this perspective, it is hard to overestimate the importance of the recently initiated P.A.R.T.S
Perspectives after P.A.R.T.S. the first generation
• 1 januari 1999
Schellekens and he teamed up in making I Want to See You...to Be Seen in Black and White
Perspectives après P.A.R.T.S. la première génération
• 1 januari 1999
Il a fait avec elle I Want to See You... to Be Seen in Black and White
Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker
• 1 januari 2002
dancers of the Rosas ensemble are very much living beings who can often be seen watching their colleagues on stage from the wings
Het leven achter de foto's: Over Sister...
• 1 juli 2007
know you, I have seen you somewhere, but where