2 document(en) met "Support"

Perspectives after P.A.R.T.S. the first generation • 1 januari 1999
Support is provided in other areas; the school helps students in matters such as scholarship application and housing...More ambitious projects are also planned: should they succeed in constructing a new auditorium in the complex in Forest, Rosas will have a production facility that allows it to support the work...Erna also receives support from Iceland for personal projects

Seething cauldron -- dance in Brussels • 1 januari 2002
meantime, the situation was far from easy for these young Turks because the government failed to support them, even when they gained substantial international recognition...They survived by working closely with new autonomous organisations for the performing arts, which later evolved into arts centres with official recognition and support...looked for and found a ‘second residence', this time in Zürich, where her nationality was less of an obstacle to obtaining substantial financial support