25 document(s) found • Showing results 21 to 25


Etienne Carathéodory EffendiSaïd Pacha19-04-1893
empresse de porter à la haute connaissance de Votre Excellence que le Ministère Beernaert sort victorieux de la lutte engagée vis à vis de son propre parti, lutte dont j’ai esquissé...et de ses partisans ayant été paralysée par la question de Cabinet posée par Mr. Beernaert, le ministère put mener à bonne fin les négociations et après une longue séance des plus...plus de raison d’être. Tous les hommes d’ordre doivent en savoir gré au Cabinet Beernaert et certainement cette solution peut être portée à son actif, sinon comme une victoire


Etienne Carathéodory EffendiSaïd Pacha29-03-1894
Official Journal, the Moniteur Belge, presenting the new government. Apart from Beernaert and Lejeune, the other Ministers from the previous government kept their portfolios...a principle that led to the fall of the previous government, whereas only Beernaert and Lejeune actually quit. That is why Carathéodory considers the new government to be...grounds. He wonders if the new government would be capable to do that without Beernaert, whom he respects a lot. Carathéodory speculates about Beernaert’s intentions and expects him to get back up and take revenge. Changement ministériel en


Etienne Carathéodory EffendiSaïd Pacha19-10-1894
especially if De Burlet was defeated by a liberal. Carathéodory expects Beernaert to succeed him. Furthermore, he foresees many difficulties for Belgium’s internal politics


Etienne Carathéodory EffendiSaïd Pacha24-10-1894
government to undergo big changes. If a change was needed, he was certain that Beernaert would become Prime Minister again. Beernaert would be capable to form a compact majority and push through the proportional representation


Etienne Carathéodory EffendiTevfik Pacha02-02-1899
solution. Carathéodory reminds Tevfik Pacha that this had been suggested once by Beernaert, but that this led to the fall of his government. Prime Minister and Minister of Finance

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