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9 document(en) met "approach"

Nr. 4, September 1983 • Marianne Van Kerkhoven, Johan Callens • HET SAMENSPEL VAN TONEELGROEP GLOBE EN THE...
De musical/ het melodrama "The approach is always indicated by the material," zegt Liz LeCompte (2) en zelfs al werd het oorspronkelijke idee om South Pacific te gaan spelen zeer snel

Nr. 4, September 1983 • Marianne Van Kerkhoven • HET SAMENSPEL VAN TONEELGROEP GLOBE EN THE...
De musical/ het melodrama "The approach is always indicated by the material," zegt Liz LeCompte (2) en zelfs al werd het oorspronkelijke idee om South Pacific te gaan spelen zeer snel

Nr. 89, December 2003 • Bernadette Timmermans • Het stokje van bloed en tranen: Spraakvaardigheid:...
bio-dynamic approach to vocal life, Mayfield Publishing Company, Mountain View, California, London-Toronto, 1997 • Teirlinck H., Dramatisch Peripatetikon, Antwerpen, '959 • Timmermans

Nr. 93, Januari 2004 • Jeroen Peeters • Schimmenspel als herinneringsarbeid: Het documentaire theater van...
urge you to approach them as we do, as 'hysterical symptoms' based not on any one person's actual memories but on cultural fantasies erected from the material of collective memories

Nr. 94, December 2004 • Elke Van Campenhout • Salzburg lied to us
friendly behavior contrasted harshly with the aggressive approach some of their colleagues took to performers lying down in the Salzburg streets...SSSA proposes a complete relaunch of the approach towards the text and the medium

Nr. 94, December 2004 • Brian Holmes • Reverse Imagineering
19 Manuel Castells, The Rise of the Network Society, Black-well, London, 1996; The Urban Question: A Marxist Approach, MIT, Cambridge, Mass

Nr. 95, Februari 2005 • 
Although 1 am a very political person my approach is not exclusively political: my main focus is the relevance of a work - how it is relevant for our time, for the development of the dance/performance...perspective it is possible that I regard an 'aesthetic' approach as being just as relevant as a 'political' one

Nr. 95, Februari 2005 • Elke Van Campenhout, Bojana Cvejić • The Mapping
regard an "aesthetic" approach as being just as relevant as a "political" one...kijken zichtbaar te maken voor de toeschouwer: 'The work I consider politically interesting has to shift my perspective on an issue, introduce another approach, it can be as small but effective...audience as participatory approach - irresistible seduction: coherent / sharp quality and economy of text, image, sound and situation - act of thinking as act of translation: format independence

Nr. 99, December 2005 • Martin Nachbar • Hoe word ik een indringer, of: hoe...
Two Eastern European guys approach me

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