3 document(en) met "Window Performance»"
Nr. 3, Juni 1983 • Theo Van Rompay • Een badje water, een washandje en zeep:...
Facet per facet bekeken zou het gewoon theater zijn, of performance, of een stukje beeldend werk...Gallery Workshop (Antwerp, 198Q)
- «Bicart-prints» - Stempeiplaats (Amsterdam, 1980)
- «American Works and Window Performance» - Gallery Blanco (Antwerp, 1980)
- «Bicart-Room...Kill or Cure» Franklin Furnace (New York City, 1982)
- «Creativity» School H.H
Nr. 91, April 2004 • Tom Janssens • Claustrofobische allures van een merknaam: Robert Wilsons...
Yon look out the window and see the grass blowing and it looks like the grass is moving to the music...Robert Wilson, in: Marranca, B. & Dasgupta, G.: Conver-sations on Art and Performance, Baltimore, 1999, p. 174
Nr. 94, December 2004 • Elke Van Campenhout • Salzburg lied to us
Just like an unsatisfied stander-by answered after being asked what she thought of the performance, that she thought 'they'd better do it in their own country, because it would be better for them...broadcast your failures, entertain your vanity, you are lucky, you've always been lucky, improvise the past, open the window, stand on a chair, become someone else, share your provisions, embrace
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