Archief Etcetera

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3 document(en) met "The Broken World"

Nr. 88, September 2003 • Erwin Jans • De Drama's van 11 september: Opgedragen aan...
burning anger at what the American empire is inflicting on the poor and the sick of the world...Hit Trade / World Weird / Worderly rade / Pentagon / Twin Towers / Falling Down Falling Down Falling / Gone / The Twin Towers Are Falling Down Falling Down Falling Down...Het stemmenspel eindigt met uitspraken van George Bush en Osama Bin Laden die door elkaar gemonteerd worden: 'BUSH We will not waver BIN LADEN These events have divided the world BUSH We will not tire

Nr. 100, Februari 2006 • Jacob Wren • Families are formed through copulation / Families...
What if one day the entire world woke up and found it too difficult to go on? MOTHER That’s the amazing thing about the world...There is a first world and a third world...third world they have lots of children and in the first world we have few

Nr. 114, December 2008 • (Personalia) • (Personalia + Advertentie)
Tim Etchells (1962) is regisseur, auteur, en artistiek directeur van het Britse theatergezelschap Forced Entertainment (Sheffield). Vorige zomer verscheen van hem de roman The Broken World

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