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21 document(en) met "Could Can Be" • Resultaten 1 tot 20 worden getoond • Toon volgende resultaten

Nr. 17, Maart 1987 • Michel Uytterhoeven • Op zoek naar de "next wave"
performers and it is a major center for the Network that could serve as an example for all the network cities

Nr. 29, Maart 1990 • Johan Callens • Samuel Beckett, 1906-89
could go deaf and dumb I might pant on to be a hundred

Nr. 32, December 1990 • Gerardjan Rijnders • Rijnders, Gerardjan
He could, be a soldier a harasser a robber a killer...He could be none of these...He could be a man in a hurry

Nr. 36, December 1991 • Pieter T'Jonck, Peter De Jonge, Dieter Lesage,... • Klapstuk
Vera Mantero (P) Perhaps she could dance first and think afterwards (1991) "In zijn voorwoord bij de festivalbrochure schrijft Bruno Verbergt: "Voor Klapstuk 91 is de noodzaak om veel

Nr. 44, Februari 1994 • Myriam Van Imschoot • Een slingerbeweging tussen denken en dansen
Mantero gaat op het aanbod in, schuift haar twijfels opzij en maakt het warm onthaalde, op improvisatie steunende Perhaps she could dance first and think afterwards...De voorstelling had Perhaps she could think first and dance afterwards kunnen heten, maar het werd Sob, Portugees voor 'onder'. Slinger Denken en dansen, twee elkaar uitsluitende

Nr. 44, Februari 1994 • Peter De Jonge • De algemene poëzie van het handelen
haar recent werk overheerst het theatrale; lichamelijkheid wordt niet meer dansant getoond, maar hysterisch (Perhaps she could dance first and think afterwards) of als stramme Grand-Guignol (Sob...Perhaps he could dance first and think afterwards (Estragon in Waiting for Godot)? Of omgekeerd

Nr. 47, December 1994 • (advertentie)
14/1/95 Vooruit presenteert Could Can be van Karin Vyncke 26-28/1/95 Vooruit presenteert Talkshow van Cie De Koe 8-11/2/95 BMCie presenteert O'Neill (En geef ons de schaduwen

Nr. 49, April 1995 • Alex Mallems • Te kijk en te koop
Antilichaam, Marc Vanrunxt / Anna Vandertaelen Minder overtuigend was de nieuwe produktie van Karin Vyncke Could Can Be, die in de vernieuwde Minardschouwburg

Nr. 53, December 1995 • Register Etcetera jaargang XIII (1995), nrs 48...
Alexander Baervoets, nr 49 p 30 Blauw Blauw - Theater Zuidpool, nr 50 p 50 Blindeman - Koninklijke Nederlandse Schouwburg, nr 50 p 50 Cargo/Montage - Piet Rogie, nr 49 p 30 Could Can Be - Karin

Nr. 58, December 1996 • Herman Asselberghs • Theatrical Correctness
So how could she really understand my feelings on self-determination...Like I said, I could forgive...Shakur could sing in respectful praise and defense of women, then turn around and deliver a harangue about "bitches" and "ho's" - or could boast of his gangster prow-ness one moment, then condemn

Nr. 82, Juni 2002 • Elke Van Campenhout • Het minimale tonen
think not to be seen is the worst thing that could happen to you’, oppert één van de dansers

Nr. 85, Februari 2003 • Eloquent sprakeloos: Over taal in het recente...
Sometimes I wish I could be so light to be a dancer...43 die Körper schlüpfen durcheinander das Blut rinnt durcheinander die Wirbelt trommeln gemeinsam die Zähne klappern (Sabina Hölzer)' In 1991 creëerde Vera Mantero Perliaps she could...een mogelijke invulling aan de vraag naar de actuele vertrouwdheid met een werk als Perhaps she could dance first and think afterwards: dat laat zich ook lezen als een antwoord op het digitale tijdperk en

Nr. 93, Januari 2004 • Myriam Van Imschoot • He says space, she thinks time

Nr. 93, Januari 2004 • Elke Van Campenhout • De Escapist van de apocalypsgerieratie: De wondere...
inspirations and lubrications of five hundred aging boys dreaming as hard as they could, is Chabons treffende beschrijving van het genre

Nr. 94, December 2004 • Elke Van Campenhout • Salzburg lied to us
No more than a point of reference for a memory that passes by. You could see the action as a catalyst for thoughts, without reading this necessarily as a political statement...Could you define reality

Nr. 94, December 2004 • Patricia Portela • Flatland
course I could not connect this foreign country with Spaceland because the lights were always off on your side, so I could not see you. And lights were always on on my side, so you could always watch...could force you all to watch me all the time, I would BE all the time, right...could kidnap all of you, right here, right now... And perform for you forever so you would stay right there, right now, watching me, all the time... Interesting If I could

Nr. 95, Februari 2005 • Elke Van Campenhout, Bojana Cvejić • The Mapping
wish I could be more closely involved in the work as I was in my former job of dramaturge, but there is much less time for it now since I'm doing a programmation

Nr. 96, April 2005 • Bruno Pocheron • Reactive(s)
film might lead to, I could only read "my own story" into the performance, my own interpretation, and thus let the performance trick me into my own indulgence

Nr. 100, Februari 2006 • Jacob Wren • Families are formed through copulation / Families...
whisper to Anne-Marie that I want to get out, that I don’t want to go to the concert, that I want to get out of the car and that we really hadn’t driven that far yet so we could probably still walk...broken English full of miss-placed Americanisms, a lot of drinking, more drinking than I could really handle to be honest but I didn’t want to look like I couldn’t hold my own...His parents wrote him back a twenty-page letter apologizing in heartfelt detail for every single thing he accused them of, saying they were sorry and that they hoped some day he could find it in his

Nr. 103, September 2006 • Stef Lernous • Raffael Pascoe: auteurschap in de pornocinematografie
Peter’s dead...’ Director (off): ‘Could somebody get that dog away from him please...Tawnee: ‘Muddafucka...’ Director (off): ‘Could somebody please get that dog out of...’ VO: ‘Tawnee en Diva vormen vanaf dan met Brock Hengst en Gia Spunk onder Raffaels artistieke leiding de...Vett Lexter: ‘After that...I never expected... I think nobody...expected Raffi’s work to become so dark... so profoundly terrifying even... certainly darker than what anyone could have expected

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