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132 document(en) met "But I" • Resultaten 121 tot 132 worden getoond

Nr. 105, Februari 2007 • Pieter T'Jonck • Mist Spuiten
our visually obsessed, high resolution/high definition culture, blur is equated with loss... Our proposal has little to do with the mechanics of the eye, but rather the immersive potential of blur...Broadcast and print media feed our insatiable desire for the visual with an unending supply of images... but as an experience, blur offers little to see...Hier leidde de versmelting van architectuur en kunst tot een vrolijke verwarring tussen utopische toekomstdromen, puur vermaak, en – last but not least – een grootse intro van Pepsi-Cola op de Japanse

Nr. 105, Februari 2007 • Christophe Van Gerrewey • Blanco
Someone handed me another glass of champagne and someone else lit a cigarette that had been dangling from my lips for the past half hour and what I found myself thinking less and less was ‘But maybe

Nr. 105, Februari 2007 • Kristien Van den Brande • Ondergaan van ruimte
activities would be so disgusting, but because of the recognition that my selfsame moment of transgression is methodologically identical to theirs, that I impose the same rules on myself, or rather, allow them...These places are just an exponential form of nostalgia, know them, but know they will offer me no consolation, precisely because of knowing them, of recognizing their systematics and commonplaceness

Nr. 105, Februari 2007 • Anne Dekerk • Lexicon
idea of the fold, form is seen as continuous but also as articulating a possible new relationship between vertical and horizontal, figure and ground [...] The new object for Deleuze is no longer...concerned with the framing of space, but rather a temporal modulation that implies a continual variation of matter

Nr. 106, April 2007 • Lieve Dierckx • Allemaal samen: mag ballet ook dans zijn?
verwachtte van dans, namelijk ‘people moving rhytmically, jumping up and down, usually to music but not always

Nr. 108, September 2007 • Pieter T'Jonck • Het leven achter de foto’s
know you, I have seen you somewhere, but where...think I saw you on a photo, photo, photo, photo... But when and where...But maybe you changed

Nr. 108, September 2007 • Daniëlle de Regt • Toen was geluid nog heel gewoon
thousand different noises, not merely in a simply imitative way, but to combine them according to our imagination

Nr. 109, December 2007 • Anne Dekerk, Elke Van Campenhout • Geen ‘als en ‘dan’ zonder ‘hier’ en...
But legends give it a form by which it pervades the whole world...But legends give it a form by which it pervades the whole world

Nr. 109, December 2007 • Manuela Zechner • Herinner je vandaag.
But what was not quite possible yet, if I remember correctly, is the democracy function, in all the aspects we know today...But how did socioplanetary decisions get made, then

Nr. 110, Februari 2008 • Birgit Cleppe • Maaksels versus baksels
fundamental logic of environmental theater is not the logic of the story but the logic of story-telling

Nr. 110, Februari 2008 • Jeroen Peeters • Rusteloze portretten
de gelijkenis van het portret zit voor Nancy ook een bewegingsthema: ‘I can “resemble myself ” only in a face that is always absent from and outside of me, not like a reflection but like a portrait

Nr. 110, Februari 2008 • Pieter De Buysser, Christophe Van Gerrewey, Bram... • Minnelijke voorwerpen
laughing or, I saw someone put their arms around each other, so... then there was this opening up and I had this flash of, this great feeling of, a sense of love but in a large way, not with this person but...didn’t know it was me who was creating the script, but later on, with this music and her gaze, and with a little bit of concentration, when it didn’t matter anymore what people around us were doing...but there was no way to go from the last thing that we did to all of a sudden dancing, even though that’s what felt right xxxxxx it made me feel very human, it made me feel in some

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