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69 document(en) met "They" • Resultaten 41 tot 60 worden getoond • Toon volgende resultaten

Nr. 92, Juni 2004 • Mummy mummy Where did you go My...
Mummy mummy Where did you go My mother was a woman A real woman Like women used to be In old times When they were still in charge Instead of men The old times In the new times When men took...Men gave women their power Because they created new life (...) This divine fact gave women the right to rule Men were only thinking about having sex all day (...) They discovered...having sex created life And as soon as they were sure they took over And they started to introduce their systems Their systems based on the fact that Having sex creates life One plus one is two

Nr. 92, Juni 2004 • Katleen Van Langendonck • 'De essentie van verleiden is transformatie': Geslacht,...
Mummy mummy Where did you go My mother was a woman A real woman Like women used to be In old times When they were still in charge Instead of men The old times In the new times When men took over...gave women their power Because they created new life (...) This divine fact gave women the right to rule Men were only thinking about having sex all day (...) They discovered that created life And as soon as they were sure they took over And they started to introduce their systems Their systems based on the fact that Having sex creates life One plus one is two

Nr. 93, Januari 2004 • Jeroen Peeters • Schimmenspel als herinneringsarbeid: Het documentaire theater van...
clear that they do not present a chronicle to posterity of the events and deeds of the war, a record of 'what happened'. Instead they offer an image oj what can be imagined, what can be said, what

Nr. 93, Januari 2004 • Myriam Van Imschoot • He says space, she thinks time

Nr. 93, Januari 2004 • Elke Van Campenhout • De Escapist van de apocalypsgerieratie: De wondere...
inspirations and lubrications of five hundred aging boys dreaming as hard as they could, is Chabons treffende beschrijving van het genre...Wine enema, butt plug, alligator clips, ball whacking, piss drinking, masturbating, bondage - they wanted a show, I gave them a show

Nr. 94, December 2004 • Elke Van Campenhout • Salzburg lied to us
Since her answer to all questions was unambiguously positive, they left her alone, and took off smiling...Asked for the exact rules that prevented people from lying down in a public space, they reacted with an angry demand for passports and ID...what they understood, they depicted that he expressed quite some aggression against the city, the horses, and the tourists here

Nr. 94, December 2004 • Patricia Portela • Flatland
decided to be very practical and dedicate my research to finding out more about the mysterious fingerprint beings and find what qualities they have that I don't have. I started comparing...they should all have a head on top and legs below and they usually come with feet attached

Nr. 95, Februari 2005 • Elke Van Campenhout, Bojana Cvejić • The Mapping
biographical and artistic input and make sure that they are introduced into a wider and historical context of understanding in an unobtrusive, inviting manner

Nr. 95, Februari 2005 • Stills Nils de Coster
they miss me

Nr. 96, April 2005 • Bruno Pocheron • Reactive(s)
before they do ecological harm to other forms of life

Nr. 97, Juni 2005 • Liv Laveyne • COLUMN: Avant Gardner
times they are a-changing –wat de geschiedenis u ook probeert wijs te maken

Nr. 99, December 2005 • Maaike Bleeker • Moet theater de wereld redden?: Over We...
UN soldiers look like soldiers, but they act like parking guards, because that is the job we give them

Nr. 99, December 2005 • Fin Novembre • Journal: A l'œil nu #4 Leuven
Although full of lies, they somehow seem more transparent than in the cinema

Nr. 99, December 2005 • Martin Nachbar • Hoe word ik een indringer, of: hoe...
They want to read my notes -mix of deutsch-english- is under construction

Nr. 100, Februari 2006 • Erwin Jans • Who’s afraid of representation?
They revealed in both cities the problem of co-existence, racism and sectarianism

Nr. 100, Februari 2006 • Jacob Wren • Families are formed through copulation / Families...
children can blame you for anything they wish and there is nothing you can do about it. All the injustices they have suffered, real or imagined, all the shortcomings of their upbringing or of their character, all...middle-aged man, a well-known writer, sits down one day and writes a letter to his parents letting them know everything they’ve ever done wrong, why they were bad parents, everything they ever did...His parents wrote him back a twenty-page letter apologizing in heartfelt detail for every single thing he accused them of, saying they were sorry and that they hoped some day he could find it in his

Nr. 101, April 2006 • An van Dienderen • Afkicken van representatie
Ethiopian (woman poet's) point of view" as itself an Ethiopian (woman poet's) depiction of how they look from such a view...Many of these techniques have become so "natural" to the language of broadcast television that they go "unnoticed".' (Trinh 1990: 88) Door ervaringen te onderwerpen aan de structuur van een...Asad 1986: 164) 3 'The technologies of seeing bring us ever closer to a sort ofBorgesian map of reality - one that corresponds at all points with the external world - but as they do so, they

Nr. 103, September 2006 • Stef Lernous • Raffael Pascoe: auteurschap in de pornocinematografie
They went on a honeymoon to Boca Raton

Nr. 103, September 2006 • Peter Stamer • Teleac-cursus Superamas
De maat der dingen / De Superamas weten, ‘they fucking know it’, dat niet het verhullen van culturele verbanden blootgelegd wordt, maar slechts het tonen zelf

Nr. 103, September 2006 • Daniëlle de Regt • Pornolexicon
zoals David Klatell, decaan van de afdeling Journalistiek van Colombia University, verzuchtte: ‘Pornography is an industry where they exagerate the size of everything

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