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80 document(en) met "More+Stately+Mansions" • Resultaten 41 tot 60 worden getoond • Toon volgende resultaten

Nr. 79, December 2001 • Rudi Laermans • De belofte van 'het'
ik ertoe neig om te zeggen dat 'het meerdere' misschien het interessante is. De moraal dat 'less is better tlmii more' valt te bevragen...Waarom niet uitgaan van 'more is morel Zo werkten we ook met BDC: samen rond de tafel zitten en ieder uitgangspunt bekritiseren

Nr. 80, Februari 2002 • (advertentie)

Nr. 82, Juni 2002 • Judith Wambacq • Alles en niets
de woorden van Jan Ritsema: ‘The more the connection between the two realities coming together is distant and close, the stronger the image will be.’ Dit heeft tot gevolg dat het duidelijke

Nr. 82, Juni 2002 • Hugo Haeghens • Omtrent de vierde wand: De troost der...
Was dit 'less is more' meer door een contrapuntische volheid aan betekenissen en een schijnbaar eindeloos interpretatiereservoir

Nr. 83, Januari 2002 • Griet Op de Beeck • Beklijvende trip langs zee van emoties
Niet evident in die beladen situatie, niet evident in dit theaterklimaat waar less is more hoog in het vaandel wordt gevoerd

Nr. 86, April 2003 • Loek Zonneveld • De generaal, de stoeipoes en de schizofreen:...
Shakespeares tekst zegt de Doge van Venetië verontschuldigend: ' You must therefore be content to / slabber the gloss of your new fortunes, with this / more stubborn and boisterous expedition

Nr. 86, April 2003 • They will love me for that wich...
Het hoofdpersonage in 4.48 Psychosis beweert een spoor te willen achterlaten 'more permanent than myself

Nr. 87, Juni 2003 • Clara Van den Broek • Drijvende koloniën
Ha maïs (There's more) THOMAS HAUERT i.k.v

Nr. 87, Juni 2003 • Elke Van Campenhout • Het kei zal zich wel weer teren:...
Auslander stelt zich terecht de vraag, of 'iising techiiology of reprochiction in ways that defy that economy may be a more significant

Nr. 88, September 2003 • Annie Declerck • In memoriam Joseph Chaikin (1935-2003)
see more now, and the light is his...more baffled and astonished we permit ourselves to be, the more we discover and learn

Nr. 88, September 2003 • Katleen Van Langendonck • The role of the artist is to...
Less is more Is meestal de eerste opmerking die Vargas geeft na een improvisatie

Nr. 89, December 2003 • Erwin Jans • Theater: her-theatraliseren of de-theatraliseren?
stage,/ And then is heard no more

Nr. 89, December 2003 • Elke Van Campenhout • Het ontbreken als focus: Spectra van de...
zoals Michael Fried het verwoordde: 'the li- teralist preoccupation with time-more precisely, with the duration of the experience - is, I suggest, paradigmatically theatrical

Nr. 91, April 2004 • Tom Janssens • Claustrofobische allures van een merknaam: Robert Wilsons...
had more in common with nineteenth-century theatre and vaudeville than with those groups

Nr. 91, April 2004 • An van Dienderen • Collectiviteit in beeld: Het productieproces van The...
ordinary lives today are more often powered not by the givenness of things but by the possibilities that the media (either directly or indirectly) suggest are available

Nr. 93, Januari 2004 • Jeroen Peeters • Schimmenspel als herinneringsarbeid: Het documentaire theater van...
facts themselves do not disturb me any more than might be expected

Nr. 93, Januari 2004 • Elke Van Campenhout • De Escapist van de apocalypsgerieratie: De wondere...
course, I'm not sure I want a more civilized society

Nr. 94, December 2004 • Elke Van Campenhout • Salzburg lied to us
No more than a point of reference for a memory that passes by. You could see the action as a catalyst for thoughts, without reading this necessarily as a political statement...But more than that, she also confided to the absent Minister that 'Disturbances are invited/Terrorism encouraged', which is a proof of the President resenting the former negative stand the Supreme...Two more people were involved, and one agent, who met this person per coincidence after this act, got information about it (the SSSA will maybe publish the name of this person later on). Stuart, so

Nr. 94, December 2004 • Patricia Portela • Flatland
decided to be very practical and dedicate my research to finding out more about the mysterious fingerprint beings and find what qualities they have that I don't have. I started comparing...Still, I persisted with my investigation and still today I wish I had never paid that much attention to it. Maybe I'd be happier though more ignorant today

Nr. 95, Februari 2005 • Elke Van Campenhout, Bojana Cvejić • The Mapping
wish I could be more closely involved in the work as I was in my former job of dramaturge, but there is much less time for it now since I'm doing a programmation...more narrow terms, I see the political in theatre always in function of the context a performance creates or disturbs (context of its own production, social context, context of the tradition...would say that the impulses concerning a critique of the medium and a political potential can be seen much more in the conceptual dance field than in the theatre field, which is also due to their

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