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53 document(en) met "Being " • Resultaten 41 tot 53 worden getoond

Nr. 100, Februari 2006 • (Constant VZW) • (Stitch & Split)
Splitting, not being, is the privileged image for feminist epistemologies of scientific knowledge...Splitting» in this context should be about heterogeneous multiplicities that are simultaneously necessary and incapable of being squashed into isomorphic slots or cumulative lists

Nr. 100, Februari 2006 • Elke Van Campenhout • Edito
one is daring enough to take the test, one should be ready to demonstrate instead that the questions raised by one’s experiment are at risk of being redefined by the phenomena mobilized

Nr. 101, April 2006 • Mette Ingvartsen • WERKEN, Werk en werken
anti-heroic no to trash imagery no to involvement of performer or spectator no to style no to camp no to seduction of spectator by the whiles of the performer no to eccentricity no to moving or being moved

Nr. 101, April 2006 • An van Dienderen • Afkicken van representatie
David MacDougall (1995:543) 1 "The textual connection of the Being Here and Being There sides of anthropology, the imaginative construction of a common ground between the Written

Nr. 101, April 2006 • 
tragedies, and communal disrupti-ons brought about by the colonialplundering of resources, bodies, subjectivities that are needed in order to keep modernity's "most real" reality in place: its kinetic being

Nr. 103, September 2006 • Shelly Silver • Shelly Silver
No other relationship will take place outside of being photographed

Nr. 103, September 2006 • Elke Van Campenhout • In blind vertrouwen: het sm-theater van Felix...
Wist je dat: -In Arizona elke daad die ‘flagellation or torture by or upon a person who is nude or clad in undergarments or in revealing or bizarre costume or the condition of being

Nr. 104, December 2006 • Ina Wudtke(dj T-Ina Darling) • The Residency
Being number only one to be chosen to be gone means a lot to me, fuck the envy and the rumours, hey I gonna fullfill my plan write the scripts, shoot the pix draw a 100.000 flix working, working

Nr. 106, April 2007 • Rudi Visker, Chokri Ben Chikha, Flore Opsomer,... • Transculturele Vibraties: De multiculturaliteit voorbij
mijn ‘Raw Being and Violent Discourse

Nr. 106, April 2007 • Lieve Dierckx • Allemaal samen: mag ballet ook dans zijn?
Lepeckis woorden: de being-towards-movement

Nr. 108, September 2007 • Pieter Verstraete • Het exces in het luisteren. Performativiteit van...
Sartre, Jean-Paul, Being and Nothingness, vert

Nr. 110, Februari 2008 • Pieter De Buysser, Christophe Van Gerrewey, Bram... • Minnelijke voorwerpen
made it real in a sense, whether she was being real or not didn’t matter anymore

Nr. 114, December 2008 • Meg Stuart • Manifesta
De titel van de video werd ontleend aan Giorgio Agamben: ‘The face is at once the irreparable being-exposed of humans and the very opening in which they hide and stay hidden

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