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87 document(en) met "And there" • Resultaten 41 tot 60 worden getoond • Toon volgende resultaten

Nr. 82, Juni 2002 • Raf Geenens • Eeuwige liefde en een zorgeloos huwelijk
Jan Fabre en Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker aan de slag met balletklassiekers A swan neck’d maiden in the sea was bathing, washing there her Sunday dress1 In Rupert Thomsons roman...There is singing, dancing, drinking too Wat doet De Keersmaeker met Nijinska’s choreografie van Les Noces

Nr. 82, Juni 2002 • Erwin Jans • De religie, de media, de terreur... en...
de woorden van Jan Ritsema: ‘It is necessary that there are no secrets to be offered, nor to be revealed

Nr. 86, April 2003 • Thomas Crombez, Jozefien Daelemans, Bruno Herzeele • De seksuologie als vrouwelijke wetenschap: annie sprinkle's...
Maybe there's a little porn star in you. Maybe not. Bat I can teil you from a wliole lot of experience tliat there's a lot of you in every porn star...Let there be pleasure on earth and let it begin with me

Nr. 86, April 2003 • Johan Thielemans • Het verschrikkelijke hart van de stilte: 4.48...
Dat vertalen een verre van neutrale bezigheid is, blijkt uit de keuze die Régy op bepaalde plaatsen in de tekst maakt, zoals bij de zin: 'lust a word on the page and there is the drama

Nr. 87, Juni 2003 • Clara Van den Broek • Drijvende koloniën
Ha maïs (There's more) THOMAS HAUERT i.k.v

Nr. 88, September 2003 • Annie Declerck • In memoriam Joseph Chaikin (1935-2003)
died the day I was boni and became an angel on that day since then there are no days there is no time 1 am here by mistake Ook met het werk van Beckett

Nr. 90, Februari 2004 • Pol Hoste, Marie Baudet • October'Oktobre
There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in', zingt Leonard Cohen en dat is een vers waar ik veel van hou

Nr. 91, April 2004 • An van Dienderen • Collectiviteit in beeld: Het productieproces van The...
there is no strict equivalence between stories of conflict and everyday life

Nr. 91, April 2004 • Elke Van Campenhout • De slang in de tuin van Eden:...
There is no time leftfor conversation

Nr. 92, Juni 2004 • Marianne Van Kerkhoven • Op zoek naar radicaliteit: Een onvoltooide tekst
suggests, perversely, unseriously, that there is no real suf-fering in the world

Nr. 93, Januari 2004 • Valse liefde zonder gif
There is no loving in this place...There is no forgetting in this place...There are no misunderstandings in this place

Nr. 93, Januari 2004 • Myriam Van Imschoot • He says space, she thinks time

Nr. 93, Januari 2004 • Elke Van Campenhout • De Escapist van de apocalypsgerieratie: De wondere...
Flanagan was een supermasochist, die vocht tegen een dodelijke ziekte, en die zegt'There's a lot of memory involved in SM...People do not feel or act as if there's a future

Nr. 94, December 2004 • Elke Van Campenhout • Salzburg lied to us
make speeches for children, hold hands even if they're sweaty, art is freedom, erase the tape, document the absence, there is no republic, there is always the republic, spin faster, exaggerate...One of our agents sneaked in discretely and found out there were no fans of Greece in the group sitting in there...About the contents of this confession the information is not very clear, (source 016, oral report) There were two videos shot

Nr. 94, December 2004 • Patricia Portela • Flatland
Those were observational rays, and that means behind those rays there were eyes, and around those eyes there were 3D bodies -of course...could kidnap all of you, right here, right now... And perform for you forever so you would stay right there, right now, watching me, all the time... Interesting If I could...Edward R. Tufte Flatpeople Euclides Nightmare Letters and James Bond was out there living the real one

Nr. 95, Februari 2005 • 
current art world developments, like a political/cultural feuilleton in the newspaper, 'awareness of the moment'. It is true that there's no precise label/word/term for the so-called 'innovative

Nr. 95, Februari 2005 • Elke Van Campenhout, Bojana Cvejić • The Mapping
general I notice that - parallel to the economic crises - there is a drift to conservatism in cultural policy...There is a contradiction about the phenomenon of promoting certain politics...There's quite a mature thinking in terms of independency and non-institutional work, networking and developing new formats

Nr. 95, Februari 2005 • De redactie • Etcetera = ...: Intentieverklaring van de nieuwe...
mode of criticality I perceive some possibility of narrowing the gap between some beings out there who have been called the "general audience" of culture and those of us who have been more critically

Nr. 96, April 2005 • Bruno Pocheron • Reactive(s)
Ik beëindig deze brief met een uitspraak van Brian Massumi, die helemaal op het einde van Parables for the virtual schrijft: 'There is only one general principle in ethics: no process line has the God

Nr. 96, April 2005 • Jeroen Peeters • Buiten/binnen: Berichten uit de studio
out, you can be on stage or off stage, you are working or not. (...) There are no fixed positions in societies ruled by the microphysics of power

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