Google Book Search results for 'Rosamunde' • More...
romantisch dichtstuk • romantisch dichtstuk Willem Jacob Hofdijk. 1 Van euveldaden , wen haar gloed In d ' onbedwongen boezem fpeelt , En in de hartstochtbarning deelt . wwwwwmuu III . ' t Rechtvaerdig noodlot kaetst de trotfen ROSAMUNde . 31.
The World of Rosamunde Pilcher • This is the landscape that readers of the Shell Seekers, The Empty House, and Coming Home know and love. Then there is the world of September and Wild Mountain Thyme--Rosamunde Pilcher's Scotland.
"So Goes the Life in America" • ... Rosamunde, let's just have it nice and quiet. I'm glad the birds are not singing right now, even though I love it ... Rosamunde's hair. “You are the best, Rosamunde. You are the best thing that ever came into my life. I'll miss ...
Advanced Search found 2 item(s) featuring "Rosamunde"